Sony has some big dogs coming out the gates soon! Or so it is rumored… Here’s your rumor watch all in one dose!
Firmware 2.4 to be dropped on July 2nd.
Yup, we’ve been waiting and rumors abound on the internet hinting at a July 2nd release date for PS3 fans. Be prepared to turn on your PS3 and watch a movie elsewhere cause with the amount of traffic the network is going to get hit with, it may take a while.
Rumor #2 PS2 comes to PSN
This one has been in the wild before, but a resurface may imply some truth. Rumor says PS2 titles will be sold on PSN with a blurry screenshot of what appears to be Metal Gear Solid 2, Red Faction and The Bouncer. For the record, I would totally buy the bouncer but I do have to wonder why of the PS2 game choices, these were picked first which only adds some credibility to the rumor (cause if they were massively big name titles we’d all know someone was screwing with us). What does this mean for 40gb PS3 owners? Will there be a firmware update that gives PS2 BC back to the 40gb? (Sony did say it was possible when the 40gb was launched, but that it had no plans to do so). Plans indeed! Keep watch on this one gamers.
And Trophies!
Lastly, Trophies are included with firmware 2.4 which has been confirmed for a while, what has not been confirmed is how well Sony pulled it off or what will happen with game saves. Apparently old game saves will nto be giving you trophies (CRAP) which means you’ll have to do all that stuff over if you want to unlock the trophy for it. Reason this is good? Since anyone can download a completed gamesave, to not lock trophies would result in a whole lot of people bragging about things they never did. Those liars. So basically, this is good and bad, good to not let cheaters brag, bad cause that means I have to spend a lot more time with some old games (Or is that good too? We’ll see)
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